More Kingswood Trading Cards

We had too much fun with these Kingswood-style trading cards in last week’s Blues Buster.  Check these out:

The original idea behind Kingswood trading cards...

The original idea behind Kingswood trading cards…

is to capture guys...

was to capture guys…

doing good things in their sports.

doing good things…

in their sports.

in their sports.



Kingswood never can stay serious...

Kingswood never can stay serious…

for longer than it takes...

for longer than it takes…

to do a cheap birthday bit.

to do a cheap birthday bit…

or eat your Fourth of July candy.

or eat your Fourth of July candy.

The old Topps card collections included everyone...

The old Topps card collections included everyone…

from the old veterans...

from the old veterans…

to candidates for...

to candidates for…

Rookie of the Year.

Rookie of the Year.

To keep things interesting...

To keep things interesting…

under headings like...

some had groups with titles such as…

highest paid...

“highest paid”…

or "The All-Star Lineup."

or “The All-Star Lineup.”

A few showed "before"...

A few showed guys “before”…

and after...

and after…

their phenomenal seasons.

their phenomenal seasons.

But Kingswood's special cards showed...

But Kingswood’s special cards reveal…

raffle winners...

raffle winners…


folks popular for their autographs…

guys spinning things...

guys spinning things…

and camp rock stars!

and camp rock stars!

Haley's father sent me an ancient Topps baseball card...

Haley’s father sent me an ancient Topps baseball card…

marked in huge letters across the bottom: TRADED

marked in huge letters across the bottom:

at Kingswood, NEVER

At Kingswood, NEVER